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2015: Alex served as National Geographic Explorer Carlton Ward Jr.'s photography intern on the "Glades to Gulf" Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition. This 70 day, 1,000 mile hiking, biking and kayaking trek from the Green Swamp to Pensacola raised awareness for the Florida Wildlife Corridor. Alex was the production assistant for the resulting award-winning documentary, "The Forgotten Coast: Return to Wild Florida", directed by Eric Bendick.

2015: Alex helped Ward to document The Great Florida Cattle Drive, a historical reenactment of how Florida ranchers and cattlemen used to drive cattle across the state. Alex was a contributing cinematographer for the resulting documentary, "The Great Florida Cattle Drive: Unbroken Circles", directed by Elam Stoltzfus.

2016-2017: Alex worked as a field assistant for Ward helping to tell the story of the Florida panther and its conservation struggles through his project, "Path of the Panther". She served primarily as a remote camera trap and field photography assistant.

2018: Alex joined the Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation team again, this time as the logistics and outreach coordinator for the "Heartland to Headwaters" Expedition. Alex was the associate producer for the resulting documentary, "The Last Green Thread", directed by Danny Schmidt and Eric Bendick.

2020: Alex was brought on as the expedition leader for a seven-day, seventy-mile hiking, biking, and kayaking expedition leading three high school students through the wild of Palm Beach County, FL. This trek marked Alex's transition from filmmaking support to on-camera talent, as she was the primary leader and narrator for the PBS film "Hidden Wild" which premiered on south Florida PBS in January of 2021 and is available for streaming online through NRS. 

2021: Alex joined the Florida Wildlife Corridor team again as the logistics coordinator for the "Spring to Shore" Expedition. This trek took three young women from the Nature Coast on a 50 mile, 5 day expedition examining a narrow part of the Corridor and the land to water connection vital to the region. Alex was the associate producer for the resulting documentary, "Home Waters", directed by Jennifer Adler.

© 2022 by ALEX FREEZE

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